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How does Green Sprouts incorporate different philosophies into the daily care of the children?

Waldorf - natural and wholesome menu, wooden toys, breathing in and breathing out activities, calm environment, daily/weekly and annual rhythms, nurtures imagination, seasonal celebrations, set up resembles a home and children learn through imitation.


Reggio - the environment acts as a third teacher, documentation through pictures, open-ended play materials, same caregiver from infancy to school-age for consistency (no pressure to form new relationships) and an abundance of natural light in play spaces.


Montessori - structured environment, everything has a place, self help skills, uncluttered play spaces and mixed age group setting, help children to develop self-discipline and to be rewarded intrinsically.


Heuristic Play Sessions - children freely explore the properties of real life objects without adult intervention, experiments spontaneously, creates opportunities to observe and identify individual interests and thought processes, then encourages unhurried tidying up (sorting and language building skills) at play's end.

Forest Visits - mood regulation, big body play, risk taking, connected to the environment, builds confidence and physical skills, opportunities to identify, assess, measure and manage risks.

Crafts - focuses on skill building and process over product, mark making, stickers, colouring, holding a pencil correctly, using scissors, painting, chalk, sensory play, playdough. 

Community - learning about our neighbourhood, meeting other adults and children at playgroups, and monthly visits to play with the seniors, activities through local museums, libraries and special events.

Fun - opportunities for dance parties, hide and go seek, spontaneous adventures, treats, lunches out, riding the city bus, swimming lessons, pyjama and popcorn days, 100% outdoor days are also scheduled. 

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